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Lucent Publication

Vayusena Bharti Pariksha English

Lucent Publication

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"This book is useful for Indian Airforce-Intertechnical (Group-X), Non-tenchnical (Group-Y), Indian Navy—SSR, MR, NMR, Artifisher Apprentice, Navy Clerk (L.D.C), Army, CISF, CRPF, R.P.F, SSC (L.D.C, Data Operator Multitasking), State Police, All States TET, Sainik/Military/ Central School Test Examination, all school examinations and other competitive examinations."

The Subject matter of this book is comprehensive   and   simple. Even   an  average student will find no difficulty in understanding the various Topics-Syntax (Subject-verb-Agreement/concord), Articles, Noun, Noun and the number, Noun and the Gender, Noun and Case, Pronoun, Adjective, Interchange of degrees of Comparison, Time and Tense, Sequence of Tense, Narration (Reported Speech/Direct and Indirect Speech), Voice (Active & Passive Voice), Removal of ‘Too’, Preposition, Conjunction,  Punctuation, Synonyms, Antonyms, one word substitution, Idioms and Phrases, Spelling Test, Miscellaneous–(Young ones of animals and birds, Special meaning of the names of animals, places where things are made, places where persons / things /animals etc are kept, sounds of birds, animals and Insects, pair of words, five model sets are given in this book based on previous examinations of Airforce Navy, CISF, etc.