"The book is for civil services exam including IFS Exam and all the PCS Exams, besides the book will also be useful for different competitive exams like CTET, SSC, Banking, Railways, LIC, etc."
This book on Ecology and Environment is a complete book covering the basic concepts of Ecology, Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Conservation, Climate Change, Environmental Summit, Earth Summit and Sustainable Growth which are included in Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC. Environmental Laws and Ecosystem Glossary containing large number of terms has been given at the end for revision and self analysis. Chapter-end questions will help the students to test their knowledge of a given topic right after learning it. The book has been written in a concise format so as to provide the student with to-the-point key concepts required to crack the exam. The emphasis of the book has been on the concepts which are important from the point of view of the exam.